Data & Compliance

Aimars is born & bred with and in GDPR, and applies the highest standards of care when it comes to handling data, adhering to all compliance laws related to data protection and privacy.

Cloud Security

We are hosted on Google Cloud as our primary provider. On top of Google Cloud’s extensive list of security and privacy certifications, we also have implemented our own set of policies and practices to secure your data.

AI/ML Commitment

Google was the first in the industry to publish an AI/ML Privacy Commitment, which outlines their belief that customers should have the highest level of security and control over their data that is stored in the cloud. That commitment extends to Google Cloud's generative AI products. Google ensures that its teams are following these commitments through robust data governance practices, which include reviews of the data that Google Cloud uses in the development of its products.

Foundation Model Training

By default, customer data is not used to train the foundation models of Google Vertex AI and neither are the prompts and responses they get by using their models.

Cloud Server Location

Google Cloud uses regions to define the geographic location of physical computing resources. All of our data in Google Cloud is being processed in Frankfurt, Germany.

Unsubscribe and opt-out

We respect the choice of our prospects, they may at all times decide to not receive our email communications anymore via unsubscribe or opt-out options in our communication methods.


We have the ability to set up accounts and profiles within our platform in a way that restricts certain information from one role to another, working with approval systems that allows access to information necessary for their level.

Data protection and privacy

We base our privacy standards and policies on the General Data Protection Regulation and have created our Data Processing Agreement in accordance with it. Our DPA is available for all of our customers so that they can transparently view and agree to the way we process and store their data.


The data we gather from our customers makes us a data processor. As such we do not sell, share, or export customer data to third parties. Aside from providing this data to mentioned and known sub-processors to assist us in the processing of the data, we only use this data to provide & improve our service via our platform.

Privacy by design as a default

Being born & bred by the GDPR in Germany, we follow the best industry principles to review the impact of privacy when deciding on, building and improving any part of our platform from day zero.