Turn customer interactions into actionable insights

Our proprietary algorithms help you analyze data from every customer interaction your team has made, enabling instant better-informed decisions

Use Cases Main Image

Organize your pipeline with AI to increase productivity by 25%

Actionable insights ensure that nothing is overlooked by your sales reps and every deal is moving forward in a steady and effective manner

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Use Cases - personal coaching

Personalized coaching and data driven Manager 1on1 topics

Every single rep’s pipeline and performance is evaluated on a personalized basis with custom topics for your next 1on1 with your sales reps, ensuring that you are aware of all the most important challenges your reps are facing

Machine Learning models trained on thousands of customer interactions & vetted by sales experts

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Understand your data, prepare for next steps and close deals more effectively

  • More GTM efficiency per sales rep
  • Optimized revenue workflows
  • Sales coverage clarity
  • Deep metrics understanding
  • Personalized guidance
  • AI driven 1on1s

Aim for the next frontier in sales